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Cell Phone Signal Jammer Locations Online

Full-Band 2g, 3g, 4g, 5g, Wifi Bluetooth Signal Jammer

During key confidential units, detention centers, and major meetings, in order to ensure that unit information is leaked and to prevent information transmission using wireless devices. It is necessary to install a full-band GSM/GPS signal jammer and become a key unit. Which frequency bands and devices can the full-band signal jammer block, and what features does it have?

The full-band jammer can mainly shield all signals of CDMA, GSM, SCDMA, DCS (1800MHz), PCS (1900MHz), PHS, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. It can effectively shield mobile phones, Bluetooth headsets, pinhole camera signals and other wireless communication devices.

The functional characteristics of the full-band GSM / GPS signal jammer:

  1. Support 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G mobile phone signals and Wi-Fi, Bluetooth signal shielding;
  2. High power output, stable signal shielding and high accuracy;
  3. Infrared remote control output power control;
  4. Ultra-high-power radiator combined with active cooling mode to meet 365×24 stable operation;
  5. Support RS485 communication, which can remotely control equipment parameters and monitor equipment operation status;
  6. Shielded frequency band remote control.
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